Monday, October 23, 2017

Marvelous Monday

This morning, the students commented on our morning message about their weekend and then completed the Monday portion of their new vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, confirm.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a an area and perimeter warm up.  After that, the students took an area and perimeter formative.  These have been graded and returned to students.  Look for them in the math section of binders this evening.

After the formative, we had a brief introduction to division.  We explored how division is the opposite of multiplication and reviewed the terms, dividend, divisor, and quotient.

Then, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, we continued our whole group lesson, focusing on using arrays to represent and solve 2-digit by 1-digit division problems.  First, we watched, and discussed, a Learn Zillion lesson.  After that, we practiced drawing arrays to solve a division problem and then wrote a related multiplication equation.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC.

After math, I handed out the Fun Run prizes and t-shirts.  PLEASE have your child wear the shirt on Wednesday.  Then, we began our literacy block.

We started our writing lesson by reviewing the essays we read last week.  Then, we reviewed the four things we noticed about persuasive writing.  After that, I handed out a new opinion piece called, Bike Helmets.  We read and discussed the essay, focusing on the author's opinion, intended audience, and reasons to support his/her thinking.

Next, the students went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When they returned to class, they ate snack while we went over today's independent work task list.  First, the children reread pages 6-10 of Cliff Dwellers and used the heading to identify the main idea.  Then, they used the text to determine 2 key details.  Next, they chose an opinion for their persuasive essay, identified the intended audience, and stated 3 reasons to support their thinking.  After that, they used to learn science vocabulary.

Green:  In group we reviewed pages 6-10 and identified and discussed the main idea and key details.  Students were reminded to use the heading to help determine the main idea.  Then, the children read pages 11-13 and used the heading to identify the main idea.

Pink:  In group we reviewed how to use the heading to determine the main idea.  Then we identified several key details to support it.

Blue:  In group we determined the main idea by answering the question asked in the heading.  Then we reread the pages to find supporting, or key, details, that told us more about how they lived.

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