Friday, December 12, 2014


This morning, after reading quietly and practicing keyboarding skills, we took our math formative.  These have been scored and will be returned to students at the end of the day.  Please look for the quiz in your child's home folder this evening.

After our quiz we reviewed the assignments for independent work.  Today students will begin by completing independent guided reading group tasks involving the asking and answering of questions.  After that, they will work on their inquiry project.  First, they will revise the first paragraph, based on my feedback.  The they will type up their second paragraph, on the Google document, below their first paragraph.  Those are the only two new tasks.  After these activities are done, the students will complete any other unfinished work from this week.  When they are caught up, they can choose to read by themselves, read with a partner or listen to reading, using the Internet.

While the students worked independently I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers: We met and the students took turn rereading their entire book.  After that we did some word work.  The students were given some letter cards to manipulate in order to make smaller words.  Eventually they used all of the letters to figure out the mystery word, or in this case words, which was ice cream.  I collected their books.  We will begin a new book, about making ice cream, on Monday.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more guided reading groups.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread pages 14 and 15.  Then they wrote two right there, or green, questions, and answered them in their own words.  In group we shared the questions written by the children and practiced answering in complete sentences.

Lions:  Independently the students reread pages 14 and 15.  Then they wrote two right there, or green, questions, and answered them in their own words.  In group we shared the questions written by the children and practiced answering in complete sentences.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread pages 6 and 7.  Then they wrote a green question for each fact they listed for homework last night.  In group we shared and reviewed their facts and right there questions.  There was some instruction as to making sure the fact answered the right there question.

After meeting with reading groups, I worked with a few students to revise their inquiry project writing.

At the end of our literacy block I gave the students a spelling inventory.  The purpose is for me to assess the needs within our classroom.  This will not be graded but I will analyze it this weekend to determine where to go, as far as word study is concerned.

After that, we reviewed the concept of observable properties and the effects heating can have on them.  Then students were put into groups and began using a blow dryer to heat a crayon.  Unfortunately, we learned the hard way, that we can't use 5 blow dryers at the same time--we blew fuses!!  So, we will continue this on Monday.

We ended the day with a class meeting.  First we shared writing homework journals.  Then we exchanged compliments and thank yous.  Finally, we discussed the structure of our class meetings.  The class voted to begin with a group share and then share writing journals.  After that we will exchange compliments and thank yous.  Finally we will discuss any challenges.


Unknown said...

That is so funny that the class tripped fuses! Hope you are having a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for enjoying that snippet! I thought it was funny, too!! :-)

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