Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Terrific Tuesday

This morning the students came in and read silently or practiced keyboarding skills.  After the announcements, I shared that our new student, who started yesterday, would not be joining our class after all, due to a boundary issue.  BUT...we will have another new friend joining us tomorrow!

After that we began our math rotations.  During the small group instruction we practiced the 7s facts and determining the area of a rectangle using multiplication and the formula, A=l x w.

During math with a partner, the students played a game called Target 70 to memorize the basic 7s facts.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students solved area word problems using the fourth grade section of Sumdog.

For HOMEWORK there is an area word problem on Google Classroom (homework page).

After math we took a Go Noodle break and then I reviewed today's independent work tasks.  First, students will completed reading groups assignments.  Then they will finish writing the introductory paragraph for the inquiry project.  After that they will review the Educreations lesson and color code their paragraph (ex.  underline the hook in blue, etc.)  Next they will watch a lesson about prefixes.  Then they will view a slideshow about building homes and identify examples of materials and the processes used to change their observable properties (science) on a t-chart in their science journal.  IF they finish early, the can choose to read or write by themselves or with a partner.

While the students worked independently, I met with reading groups.

Tigers:  We began group with word work.  we identified the sound made by the -er, -ir and -ur patterns and listed examples of words with these patterns.  After that we reviewed the unknown words listed for homework last night.  Then we took a picture walk of our book and I modeled how a good reader asks questions to help focus their reading and increase comprehension.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 4-9 and list words with the -er pattern in it (underline the -er pattern in each word).

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued their independent work and I met with more small groups.

Panthers:  Independently, the children copied the questions on pages 4, 5, and 6, in their RRJ and underlined the question words.  In group, we shared their responses that the students wrote for homework last night.  Then we reviewed the questions they copied in class and identified the question word.  After that, I modeled how good readers use heading to ask questions.  I was very explicit in sharing that good readers ask themselves questions in order to help them focus on the text and improve comprehension.  Next we read the question on the top of page 4 and then read the rest of the page to find the answer.  Students had to identify the sentence they used to answer the question.  Then I modeled a written response.  Finally, we created a t-chart in their RRJ (facts on one side and questions on the other) and pulled a fact off of page 4 and wrote a question that would go with it.  For HOMEWORK the students will read the Did you know? section on page 5 and add one fact from it to their t-chart.  Then they need to ask a question that the fact would answer.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread pages 4 and 5.  In their RRJ they created a t-chart with the heading of fact on one side and question on the other.  They were instructed to choose one fact from each paragraph, list it on the chart, and then write a question that goes with it.  We shared the facts and questions in group...there were many challenges, so I modeled choosing facts from the first paragraph on page 6 and writing questions that these facts would answer.  The students added these examples to a t-chart in the RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 6 and 7.  Then they need to choose a fact from the last paragraph on page 6 and the paragraph on page 7 (2 facts total).  They will add these to the chart we began in group and then write a question to go with each fact.

Lions:   Independently the students reread pages 4 and 5.  In their RRJ they created a t-chart with the heading of fact on one side and question on the other.  They were instructed to choose one fact from each paragraph, list it on the chart, and then write a question that goes with it.  We shared the facts and questions in group.  For HOMEWORK the students will reread pages 4 and 5.  In their RRJ, they need to write a main idea statement for this section and identify 3 facts to support it.

After our literacy block we identified objects that change when heat is applied.  Then we brainstormed safe ways we can access heat in our classroom.  Tomorrow students will investigate how applying heat changes the observable properties of an object.

The day ended with a visit from Ms. Snyder, our guidance counselor.  She came by to continue her lesson about teasing and bullying.

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