Friday, October 28, 2011

TGIF - Halloween Celebration

Before I forget, I want to thank Mrs. R. for planning our Halloween celebration. Although I am typing this before the parade and party, I know she has put a lot of hard work into the event and that the children will have a BLAST! THANK YOU!

This morning, during our reading block, the students organized their desks and went through their unfinished work folders with me. I showed them which papers needed to carry over into the second marking period (which begins Tuesday) and which papers they were allowed to recycle. So, our slate is clear and we are reading to march into the second quarter.

After that, the students got into small group to create a Halloween story on the iPads using Toontastic, an iPad app. I hope you enjoy the pictures I have included!!

In math we split into two groups, again. One group practiced their basic facts using an iPad app while the other group worked on using rulers to calculate linear measurement (in inches and centimeters) with me. Then the groups switched.

Following a visit to the media center the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess. We ended the day with a parade and party celebrating Halloween.

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