Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

We began the day by identifying text features in the text called Giraffes and creating a t-chart stating the feature and how it helps our comprehension. Then we practiced using our new WOW word - ponder (to think about deeply; to study)- in a sentence.

While I pulled reading groups the students continued their independent work from yesterday (there was a lot!) and added to that, w practice worksheet for the WOW word.

Cheetahs: We reviewed why the main character quite the family and what she did to show her Independence. Then we reviewed our rule for reading with proper phrasing; pause at the punctuation marks. After that we practiced reading using proper phrasing and answering oral comprehension questions about what we read. Tonight they need to reread up to the sticky note and get a parent signature in their planner.

In math we returned to the study of patterns but this time focused on geometric patterns. Students had to look at various picture patterns and determine the rule in order to draw the next picture in the pattern. While I believe we made great progress, this did take the entire period. There is a review worksheet for homework. However, due to our in house field trip tomorrow, we will not have math. The homework will be checked on Thursday.

Following PE, lunch and outdoor recess we had an emergency class meeting. Unfortunately, students are not being kind to one another. We had an extensive talk about not having to be friends with everyone but making sure to include others. We talked about how rejection feels and trying to keep that feeling in mind when tempted to not let others join your recess fun. It was a good discussion and I truly believe the children will do their best to be kind to others.

After that, the students returned to their independent work assignments and I met with reading groups.

Bears: We reviewed vocabulary from chapter 9 and practiced using it correctly. Then we talked about how Ben took command of Gully and how it impacts the rest of the story. For homework they need to read chapter 10 and list unknown words on sticky notes. However, I am allowing them to begin this in class.

Crabs: We reread the end of chapter 4 silently and discussed the idea of foreshadowing. Then we began to read chapter 5. Tonight for homework the students need to read chapter 5 and list unknown words. They were allowed to start this in class.

Lions: We read and discussed the chapter called The Medal. We focused upon similarities between Al's and Sarah Ida's childhoods.

We ended the day with a brief science lesson. The students identified fingerprint patterns that were taken from the safe, in our mock crime.

There is a book order coming home tonight. You can order on line or send your order form and a check to school with your child. These are due no later than October 28.

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