Well, we began a table point system yesterday following lunch and recess. The children really bought into the plan and had an extremely productive afternoon! The table points have continued to be a positive force in the classroom today.
In math we continued identifying the area of a curved figure. I also worked with small groups on converting units of measurement. There is a measurement worksheet for homework tonight. We WILL have a quiz on Friday. A review packet will come home next Monday and there will be a unit assessment on Tuesday.
In reading we continued working on the jellyfish graphic organizer and we read Life in the Polar Regions. The Frog group did a reread of the book with Miss Diane and reread Communities with me. JGB met with me and shared the questions they had written in the RRJ about The Banza. Then they did their second reading of The Banzaa and marked portions of the story (with a ?) where they found themselves wondering why a character did or said something.
Additionally, the entire class had to respond to a prompt in their RRJ about the book Life in the Polar Regions...the prompt was to name and explain 3 ways that people in the arctic used the land and the environment to survive. The only responses that were turned in were incomplete and lacked sufficient details, so they were returned. All students will have time to finish this tomorrow, in class. However, any students who did not complete the jellyfish graphic organizer (most) in class have to do this for homework tonight.
Following lunch and recess we will continue using our graphic organizer to write a multi-paragraphed informative piece. Prior to the students receiving writing time, I will model how they can use a jellyfish graphic organizer to plan their writing.
At 2:15 we will go to an assembly. Mike Knudson, the author of Dancing Dudes, will be here to talk about the writing process...and his books, of course! :-)
If there is time after the assembly we will answer questions about the geography we observed in our community on Friday.
Students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes EVERY night. Spelling homework is due Friday!
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