Friday, May 30, 2008


Don't you just hate it when life gets in the way? I had planned to leave early to meet with the principal of my son's school and then attend the end of the year party (The Strawberry Festival) at the school. However, instead I am visiting the endodontist...such fun!

Mrs. Starkey was a tremendous help during math today. The children took a quiz. Then Mrs. Starkey reviewed coordinate graphing and elapsed time using a calendar.

After that, we took our final spelling test of the year! Woo Hoo!

Then the children will go to music, lunch and recess.

Following recess, Mrs. Klahre will read a chapter aloud from Champ. The children will also have a chance to share a morning work entry. After that, the students will continue planning their comic and some will begin creating their first draft.

If time permits, the children will review the economic concepts of wants and needs and good and services. Then they will read about taxes and the services provided by our government.

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