Thursday, May 1, 2008


Wow! I can't believe it is May first. We only have 6 more weeks of hard to believe!

I am still dealing with some family health help you understand, my parents would normally be taking care of my grandfather but they are out of the country. So, I have to leave at lunch, again, today. I do plan to be here all day tomorrow.

In math we worked on equivalent fractions. Students need to complete their classwork and do a money worksheet for homework. We will have a quiz tomorrow.

During reading, the children chose new spelling words. They should have their new lists in their notebook, their spelling journal and in their planners...twice! After that, they reread the Jr. Woodchuck comic and identified character traits for Daisy Duck. Additionally, they used the comic to provide support for each of the traits they chose.

Following lunch and recess, the class will visit the computer lab. I the computer lab they can either choose to publish a poem they wrote, work on the Power Point they started last week, work on Type to Learn or go to a math web site from the third grade web page.

They will end the day with a counseling lesson led by Mrs. Howard.

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