Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thrilling Thursday

This morning the students completed the Thursday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, inform.  Then, they viewed this week's puzzles and wrote their guesses in the comment section.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

Math began with an Eliminate It! warm up, and we also took a look at the online Remainders game.  Next, we reviewed last night's homework.  Then, the students took the week 2 formative covering dividing 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.

After they were done with their formative, they completed a session of Xtra Math and then played the online Remainders game.

After enjoying lunch and outdoor recess, the math students played a game of multiplication Kahoot followed by a division Kahoot.  The formatives were graded and returned to students at the end of math class.

Math homework is posted in GC.

After math, we began our literacy block with a writing lesson.  First, students reread their fictional story about  moving west using a wagon train.  Then, I read some focused questions to help students revise their writing.  Finally, the children had 20 minutes of writing time to work on their final drafts.  All stories are due tomorrow.

Next, the students went to music.

When they returned to class, they ate snack and worked independently.  First, they completed the Thursday section of the reading skills page.  After that, the completed the week 2 formative for reading.  They read 3 poems by Emily Dickinson and made a generalization about her life, based on the poems, using text evidence to support their thinking.  Next, the children finished their stories about moving west on the Oregon Trail.  Finally, they completed the Flocabulary lesson about magnets.

We ended the day by learning about static electricity.  We watched and discussed a Flocabulary rap as a class.  Then, we watched as a balloon, after being rubbed on clothing, made paper-punched wholes "jump" up to the balloon.

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