Monday, January 22, 2018

Marvelous Monday

The day began with the Internet down, so the children grabbed a copy of the vocabulary sheet for our new word of the week, previous.  Then they read silently.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a warm up that had students use their knowledge of angle measurement to identify an unknown.  After that, we began our rotations, and luckily the Internet had begun to work.

During the small group instruction, the students sketched angle to compose additive angles fitting a given requirement.  During math with a partner, the children got to choose between  playing Around the Block Bump"or creating a geometric star.  Around the Block Bump provided practice with identifying the measurement of an unknown additive angle.  The geometric star activity provided practice with important vocabulary.  Finally, during the technology portion, the students completed a session of Xtra Math.  Then, the students used two links to practice sorting and measuring angles.

In between the second and their rotation, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess. 

A worksheet was distributed for homework but it is also linked in GC.

After math, we began our literacy block with a writing lesson.  First, we discussed and practiced using our word back to help us revise our narratives for correct spelling.  Then, we practiced identifying and correcting run-on sentences by adding a conjunction or breaking it apart into smaller sentences.

Next, the students went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When they returned to class, they ate snack while we reviewed the 5 non-fiction text structures.  Then, we went over today's independent work.  First, the children completed a text structure worksheet and identified examples of economic cause and effect.  After that, they used their graphic organizer, from Friday, to write an opinion paragraph about banning fidget spinners.  Finally, they revised their personal narratives for spelling and run-on sentences.  Some students began their final versions.

We ended the day with social studies.  We played a second round of the crabbing simulation game and discussed what might have happened to our catch if we played a third  round.  We also identified the opportunity cost in each round.

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