Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thrilling Thursday - Interim Progress Reports

This morning the students completed the Thursday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, observe.  Then, they looked over this week's puzzles and posted their guesses in the comment section.  After the announcements, we were treated to the Winter Concert featuring the 5th graders in our school's strings, band, and chorus.

After the concert, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, we began our literacy block. While I met with several students individually to complete the December informal reading assessments, the children worked independently on a few winter tasks.

First, the completed a gingerbread man glyph to practice their reading to perform a task skills.  After that, for writing, they wrote acrostic poems using the words snow and winter.  Some students also wrote "tweets" they imagined winter characters might post.  This gave them practice in writing from a different point of view.  Finally, they finished any Flocabulary assignments that were not done.

After going to music with Mrs. Graf, the children returned to class.  We ate snack and shared the rest of our paper bag projects.  They were AWESOME!!

The students ended the day by working on the literacy activities listed above and organizing the classroom.

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