Friday, September 15, 2017

Week 2...That's a wrap!

This morning the students finished the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, assess.  Then, since it was Free Choice Friday, they chose to either practice keyboarding skills, read quietly, work on writing, or solve our weekly puzzles.  After watching the announcements, we switched for math.

In my math class, we completed a mystery number warm up.  Then, we reviewed last night's homework, rounding using a number line. Next, we began our rotations.

During the small group lesson, we practiced a new strategy for rounding multi-digit numbers.  During math with a partner, the students finished their number chains and played Multiplication War, to work on basic fact fluency.  Finally, during the technology portion they completed an Xtra Math session and played Boom Cards to practice rounding.

In between the second and third rotations, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After math, we began our literacy block.  First we reviewed, the difference between perspective and point of view.  Then the children worked independently, on the following tasks, while I met with guided reading groups.  They reread Pop's Bridge, and re-wrote the first paragraph from the opposite point of view.  Additionally, they used several multi-media resources to prepare for their upcoming field trip to the Chesapeake Bay.  After viewing the resources, they identified 3 cities on the bay, 2 interesting facts about the bay, and 1 organism that lives in the bay.

During each reading group, we reviewed the reasons why we read text more than once, and the purpose for each reading.  We also identified, listed, and discussed "think marks" we will use to better understand text we read.

Then we ate snack, began our blog post, and read Wonder.

Next, Mrs. Luckett, one of our guidance counselors visited and did a lesson problems, how to handle them, and how to get help.

After she left, we continued the writing lesson we began yesterday, by reading, Tea with Milk, by Allen Say.

Then it was time to pack up.

Have a great weekend!

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