Monday, April 24, 2017

Marvelous Monday - Bread Making Field trip

This morning the students completed a language review activity and then worked on a WTW practice activity.  After the announcements, we reviewed the language activity and began our rocks and minerals unit.

First, the children wrote down observations of the rock they brought in from home.  Then, we used their clues to determine which rock belonged to each person.

After that, we ate lunch and boarded the bus for our field trip.

The actual field trip lasted for approximately two hours.  The first hour watched a bread baking demonstration.  Then, the students got to participate in a variety of science based activities including; holding a snake and a bearded dragon, digging for shark's teeth, using a robot to throw a ball, watching the gas released from yeast blow up a balloon, digging DNA out of a strawberry, and a lot more!!

When we returned to school, we ate snack and talked about the fun field trip.

We ended the day by finishing the science lesson we began this morning.  The students used a list of observation questions that is often used by geologists to improve their rock observations.  Then, we used their updated clues to guess the rocks.  Our accuracy improved a lot!

HOMEWORK tonight is to share the events of the field trip and make a plan to bake the bread this weekend.

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