Friday, April 28, 2017

Fantastic Friday

This morning the students worked on a practice PARCC activity to refresh their memories as to the format and tools of this assessment.  Then they went to music with Ms. Thomson.  When they returned, we watched the morning announcements.

After that, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Next, we completed a multi-step word problem warm up and began our rotations.

During the small groups rotation, we used an area model and partial products to solve multiplication equations involving two 2-digit numbers, neither of which were multiples of ten.  During math with a partner, the students played a card game called, "Advanced Multiplication Number Battle", to practice multiplying multi-digit numbers.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a Khan Academy lesson demonstrating how to solve a multiplication problem with two 2-digit numbers.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we went over the answers to our weekly puzzles and spent some time discussing the PARCC testing.

After that, the children worked on completing their odes while I met with a few students to do the April informal reading assessment.

We ended the day with a South African cultural arts assembly.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Take Your Child to Work Day

Sooooooo...out of a class of 29 students, we only had 10 in class today.  This created an interesting scenario.  We had to find constructive activities to further our knowledge without introducing any new skills or strategies.

The day began as typical Thursdays do.  The students tried to figure out our weekly puzzles and then worked on a WTW practice activity.

After that, we played Kahoot to learn more about the branches of government.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that, we went over last night's homework.  Then, we did modified rotations.

First, all students spent 15 minutes using Xtra Math to increase their basic fact fluency.  Second, we all worked together to use an area model to solve 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems WITHOUT multiples of ten.  Finally, we played Kahoot to review fourth grade math skills.

After math, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  While I tested some of the students for our April informal reading assessments, the children revised, printed, and illustrated their odes.  Those who completed their odes worked on their WTW practice activities and their branches of government Google Slides presentations.

NO HOMEWORK tonight!
NO math formative, for my class, tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, the students worked on their Writing Wednesday stories.  Then, after the announcements, we began our Social Studies lesson.  After naming and briefly describing the three branches of government on the state and federal levels, the students were given several resources to use to learn more about each.  Then they began working on a Google Slides presentation showing the important facts about the three branches of government on the state and federal level.

As they worked, I met with several students to begin my monthly, informal reading assessments.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then, we completed a brain teaser warm up and reviewed last night's homework.  After that, we began our rotations.

During our small group instruction we used the area model to multiply a 2 digit number by a multiple of ten.  During math with a partner, the students completed their decimal task cards or played Multiplication Way to work on their basic multiplication fact fluency.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a Learn Zillion lesson using an area model to multiply two 2-digit numbers, and took notes in their math journals.  Those who finished early worked on their basic facts using Xtra Math.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC - Holman's Homework.  The copy machine is still down.

After math, the students enjoyed math and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  First, we reviewed making inferences from poetry, which we began yesterday.  After that, we revisited similes and metaphors as the comparison of two seemingly unrelated things.  Then I modeled how to identify one in a poem and complete a chart explaining what it means.

While I met with individual students to continue my April informal reading assessments, the students completed identifying and explaining three inferences they made as they read the poem, "Oranges".  Then, they read through a few poems searching for a simile or metaphor.  Once they found one, they added it to our class Slides presentation and explained what it means.  Finally, they observed small portions of the from cover of the novel, Shiloh, and began making predictions about the story.

After reading, the students had art with Mr. Cosgrove.

Then, we began our writing lesson.  First, we reviewed the steps we've taken thus far to draft our odes.  Then, I modeled how to dd a simile to my model ode and make the necessary revisions.

While I continued my monthly informal reading assessments, the students revised their own odes to include a simile or metaphor.  If they had extra time, they worked on the reading activities listed above.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC - Holman's Homework.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

This morning the students used Typing Club to work on their keyboarding fluency.

After the announcements, we began our science lesson.  Today we observed and described that happens when we combined two different materials.  During our investigation we determined whether the different combinations were mixtures (could be separated back apart) or solutions (not able to be separated once combined).  We also identified the solute (lesser material) and the solvent (greater amount of material).

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we completed a skill review warm up and began our rotations.

During the small group lesson we used place value to multiply two multiples of ten.  During math with a partner, the students had one last day to complete the decimal task cards.  Those who finished early, played Multiplication War to improve their basic fact fluency.  During the technology rotation, the students watched a Khan Academy lesson about multiplying 2 multiples of ten and then completed a follow up practice activity.  Those who finished early either used another site to practice this further or worked on Xtra Math.

There is a worksheet posted on GC- Holman's Homework to complete tonight.  The copy machine is broken, so I couldn't make paper copies.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.  Then, they went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  First, we reviewed how to use text and our background knowledge to make inferences.  Then, I modeled doing so using the poem, Ode to My Library".  After that, we reviewed several types of poetic devices/techniques and examples of each.

Today, while I worked with small groups the students read a poem called, Oranges", and practiced using the text and their own background knowledge to make inferences.  Then, they chose a poetic device/technique and revised their ode to include it.  If they had time, they also completed a WTW practice activity.

Blue/Pink:  The students read the text on page 30 of their Safari magazine and, on a sticky note, identified the type of writing and elements that support their answer.  After that, they reread the poem and we discussed inferences that could be made.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem and write 2 lines, about a race, that rhyme.

Orange:  The students read the text on page 30 of their Safari magazine and, on a sticky note, identified the type of writing and elements that support their answer.  After that, they reread the poem and we discussed inferences that could be made.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem and write one stanza of four lines, about garbage, with the second and fourth line rhyming.

Green:  The students read the text on page 30 of their Safari magazine and, on a sticky note, identified the type of writing and elements that support their answer.  After that, they reread the poem and we discussed inferences that could be made.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem and write one stanza for "I'm Free".

Monday, April 24, 2017

Marvelous Monday - Bread Making Field trip

This morning the students completed a language review activity and then worked on a WTW practice activity.  After the announcements, we reviewed the language activity and began our rocks and minerals unit.

First, the children wrote down observations of the rock they brought in from home.  Then, we used their clues to determine which rock belonged to each person.

After that, we ate lunch and boarded the bus for our field trip.

The actual field trip lasted for approximately two hours.  The first hour watched a bread baking demonstration.  Then, the students got to participate in a variety of science based activities including; holding a snake and a bearded dragon, digging for shark's teeth, using a robot to throw a ball, watching the gas released from yeast blow up a balloon, digging DNA out of a strawberry, and a lot more!!

When we returned to school, we ate snack and talked about the fun field trip.

We ended the day by finishing the science lesson we began this morning.  The students used a list of observation questions that is often used by geologists to improve their rock observations.  Then, we used their updated clues to guess the rocks.  Our accuracy improved a lot!

HOMEWORK tonight is to share the events of the field trip and make a plan to bake the bread this weekend.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Fantastic Friday

This morning the students got to choose what they did during morning work.  Then, they went to music with Ms. Thomson.  When they returned to class, we watched the morning announcements and reviewed the answers for this week's puzzles.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that, we completed a decimal warm up and went over last night's homework.  Then, the children took this week's formative, which focused on comparing decimals.

The students did very well on the formative.  They have been graded and returned to all.  Look for them in home folders this evening.

After math, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  First, we reviewed the elements of a play and began comparing and contrasting the various elements of prose, poems, and dramas.  After that, I modeled how to use my organizers, and the rubric, to write an ode.

While I met with guided reading groups, the students read the play in their Safari Magazines and listed unknown words.  After that, they drafted their ode, using their graphic organizers.  Finally, they completed their WTW definitions and sentences.

Pink/Blue:  We identified various elements of a play and then began reading the play, "The Trials," and making inferences along the way.

Orange:  First, the students had a chance to share the stanzas they wrote, last night, to go with the garbage poem we read in group.  Then, we identified various elements of a play and then began reading the play, "Buried," and making inferences along the way.

Green:  First, we shared, and discussed, the inferences they made for homework last night.  After that,  we identified various elements of a play and then began reading the play, "Terror on the Log Flume," and making inferences along the way.

After our literacy block, we had a quick class meeting.  First, each person shared the best part of the week.  Then, we watched the United Diversity video that the school filmed during recess yesterday.  It was AWESOME!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thrilling Thursday

This morning the students worked on solving our weekly puzzles and their WTW definitions and sentences.  Then, after the announcements, we watched 2 videos about an exciting activity we will participate in during recess today.

Over Spring Break, many students and parents from our community, including one of our own classmates, began organizing a project for MCPS's contest celebrating diversity.  During their recess, our students will created one of the letters from the word "united" (the letter N), which will be photographed and imported into a dance video, celebrating the united diversity we share here at Wims.

After learning about and discussing this project, and our part, the student completed the posters they began in social studies yesterday, depicting the purpose of government.  Then the children shared their posters with the class.

Next, we switched for math, and practiced the dance we will perform in the video during recess, instead of a Go Noodle dance.  Then we completed a warm up involving money and reviewed last night's homework.  After that, we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction we used models to compare decimals up to the hundredths.  During math with a partner, the students engaged in math discourse as they continued to work on the decimal task cards they began yesterday.  Finally, during the technology portion, the students watched a Learn Zillion lesson about comparing decimals and took notes in their math journal.  Those who finished early used an additional web site to compare decimals to the hundredths.

For HOMEWORK the students need to complete the back side of the worksheet we began in small group.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  During recess they participated in the united diversity video project and I was told they did very well!

When we returned to class we began our literacy block.

After reviewing the elements/characteristics of prose, we identified and discussed the elements and characteristics of poetry.  While I met with guided reading groups, the students worked on the following tasks.

First, they read the poem, on page 11, of their guided reading book and, using sticky notes and a chart in GC - Reading, identified 5 elements of poetry.  After that, they completed both planning organizers for their odes.  Next, they practiced identifying elements of prose, poetry, and plays, using 2 links in GC - Reading.  If they had additional time, they read quietly or worked on their WTW assignments.

Pink/Blue:  First the students, who completed their homework, shard their two truths and one fib, and we guessed the fib.  Next we read the poem on page 11 and discussed the elements of poetry they identified.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem out loud to a family member.

Orange:  First the students, who completed their homework, shard their two truths and one fib, and we guessed the fib.  Next we read the poem on page 11 and discussed the elements of poetry they identified.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem and write a new stanza using the letters in the word garbage.

Green:  First the students, who completed their homework, shard their two truths and one fib, and we guessed the fib.  Next we read the poem on page 11 and discussed the elements of poetry they identified.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the poem and make an inference based using details from the text.

After reading, we began our writing block.  First, we picked new writing partners for the fourth quarter.  Then students shared their topics and organizers with their new partners.  After that, we shared ideas as a class.  We will begin drafting our odes tomorrow.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC-Holman's Homework, as usual.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday - Report Cards!

This morning, we welcomed a new friend to our class.  During this time the children chose between working on their Writing Wednesday stories or brainstorming topics for their odes.  After attendance and lunch count, we began our social studies lesson.

First, the students did a Mad Minute where they wrote for a minute straight identifying any words that came to mind when they think about government.  After sharing their ideas, they worked with a small group to create a poster displaying what they believe is the purpose of government.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we completed a decimal warm up and reviewed last night's homework.  After that, we began our rotations.

During our small group instruction, we practiced identifying fractions and decimals (up to hundredths) on a number line.  During math with a partner, the students engaged in math discourse as they solved tasks involving decimals.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a few, brief, Khan Academy lessons about playing decimals on a number line and then completed a follow up practice activity.  IF they finished early, there were two additional practice sites for them to use.

For HOMEWORK the students need to complete problems 6-9 on the back of the worksheet we began in small group.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class we began our literacy block.  We began by identifying and discussing the characteristics of prose.  Then we sorted examples of text to determine which was prose and which were not.  After that, the children reread their guided reading text and identified elements that make it prose.  After that, they finished brainstorming topics for their ode.  Finally, they completed a WTW practice activity.

As the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Pink/Blue:  We met and reviewed unknown words.  Then we reread pages 12-14 and shared what we learned and could infer about the swimmer and her coach.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 14 and 15 and write 2 truths and 1 fib about the swimmer.

After the pink group, the students had art with Mr. Cosgrove.

Then, after art, we began our writing lesson.  First, we reviewed the 6 tips to write an ode that we discussed yesterday.  Then I modeled how to complete the two graphic organizers we are using to organize our thoughts prior to writing our ode.

While I met with the other guided reading groups, the students chose a topic and worked on the organizers.

Orange:  We reviewed their unknown words and then identified characteristics that made the story an example of prose.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread The Garbage Robot and write 2 truths and 1 fib, on a sticky note, to share in group  tomorrow.

Green:  We reviewed their unknown words and then identified characteristics that made the story an example of prose.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread The Coral Trap and write 2 truths and 1 fib, on a sticky note, to share in group  tomorrow.

Finally, I distributed report cards.  PLEASE keep the report is yours!  BUT return the EMPTY envelop, with your signature next to MP 3, indicating that you received the report card.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Terrific Tuesday - The Beginning of the 4th Quarter!

This morning, the students had a chance to practice their keyboarding skills using Typing Club.  Then, we reviewed the new TASS (thinking and academic success skills) skills; intellectual risk taking, and being a flexible thinker.  After that, we had a quick class meeting to share what we did over Spring Break and set some goals for our last marking period in fourth grade.

Next, I explained that we will be studying the government of Maryland, but before doing that, we needed to activate any prior knowledge.  So, the children completed a 3-2-1 Bridge identifying 3 thoughts they have, 2 questions they are wondering, and 1 metaphor or simile.  Finally, several students shared their ideas and questions.

After that, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we completed an error analysis warm up and began our rotations.

During the small group, teacher led, instruction we used decimal notation to represent fractions of a meter on a number line diagram.  During math with a partner, the students matched the word form and the numeric representation of decimals.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched 2 Khan Academy lessons about labeling tenths on a number line and then completed a follow up practice activity.  If they had extra time, they continued identifying decimals on a number line, using 2 more web sites.

For HOMEWORK the students need to complete the half sheet converting the word representation of decimal notation into the numeric representation.

After math the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  Then they went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  During this time the children had a chance to complete their new WTW word sort and begin reading their new stories.  We will be studying the format of poetry, prose, and plays.  Today, all reading groups received a Safari Magazine, on their guided reading level.  They were to read the prose (story) on pages 12-19 and list unknown words, and page numbers, on a sticky note.

Finally, we learned that an ode is a poem, usually involving 3-5 stanzas of 10 lines each, about a specific topic for which the poet is extremely passionate...either positive or negative.  After reading a few examples, the students began brainstorming a list of possible topics for their own ode.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC - Holman's Homework.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thrilling, but soggy, Thursday

This morning the students worked on solving our weekly puzzles and then had time to finish any unfinished work, such as; the culture presentation or the states of matter project.  After that, we put our run-off collection tools, that we constructed in December, outside to see if they work.  Finally, we began sharing the students culture presentations.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we did a warm up analyzing a student's incorrect answer to a question converting a decimal to a fraction.  After that, we played Kahoot, as a fun way to review what we've learned about fractions and decimals.

Following math, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

After recess, we had quite the afternoon!  :-)

The plan was to have students complete the memoirs, and share the culture and matter projects.  We also wanted to clean out baskets and clean up the room.

However, due to weather conditions, we were moved into a shelter in place for a big chunk of time.

When the weather was no longer a danger, we returned to the portable, picking up the run-off collection tools along the way.

Once inside the students met with their  groups and discussed if their run-off collection tool worked and what changes they would make.  After sharing their thoughts, we continued sharing culture projects, leftover from this morning.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning the students had time to work on their culture presentations and/or their states of matter posters/presentations.  After that, we were treated to an assembly provided by our fabulous PTA.  We got to meet Nick Bruel, the author of the Bad Kitty series.  He was very entertaining and quite informative!

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we reviewed last night's homework and did a couple of practice problems.    After taking a quick class vote, we decided to take our formative that's what we did next!  :-)  Overall, the students did very well.  Look for them in home folders tonight.

After math, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class we began our literacy block.

Today we focused on completing the memoirs.  I spent some time reminding the class of the criteria for success listed on the rubric and the resources, and examples, included in the Google Slides checklist.  Then the children worked on publishing, conferencing, and revising their story.  As they worked I met with students, one -on-one, to help them with their revisions.  Those who finished early worked on their states of matter poster/presentation.

During our literacy block, the students did take a break to have art with Mr. Cosgrove.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

This morning students who had not completed the rough draft for their memoir worked on that, while others practiced their keyboarding skills using Typing Club.  Then, after the announcements, we began our science lesson.

Today the students worked on a culminating project, either a poster or Google Slides presentation, to show what they know about matter.  Using resources provided in GC - Science, the children chose a way to identify and explain the 3 state of matter.  While they worked, I met with small groups to conference with them on their memoir rough drafts.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that, we did a warm up involving money and went over last night's homework.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group lesson we worked on reading,writing, adding, and subtracting decimals and fractions.  During math with a partner, the students chose between playing Go Fish or Memory Matching using decimal cards.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the children watched a Khan Academy lesson about converting tenths to hundredths, and then completed 2 practice activities.  Those who had time left over used the site Soccer Math to practice adding decimals.

For HOMEWORK the students need to complete a worksheet called, "Subtracting Decimals".

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  Then they went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When we returned to class, we focused on writing our memoirs.  First, I reviewed a new resource added to their GC-Writing pages.  It is a Google Slides checklist of criteria and examples for the students to use before completing their final draft.  Then we reviewed the grading rubric I will be using.

After that, the children used the checklist and rubric to revise their writing as they typed their final draft into a Google Doc.  I continued to work with small groups of students helping them edit and revise their writing.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC-Holman's Homework.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Marvelous Monday

This morning the students worked on a language review activity.  After reviewing the correct answers, Ms. Snyder visited us to do a lesson about friendship.

After that, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that we completed a warm up matching fractions with their decimal notations.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group rotation we solved measurement problems involving liquid volume (liters to the hundredths).  During math with a partner, the students played Decimal Go Fish.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched 2 Khan Academy lessons about decimals and then completed a follow up practice activity.  Those who finished early played Decimal Detectives to practice decimal place value.

For HOMEWORK the children need to complete problems C and D on the worksheet we began in group.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.

We began by reviewing the characteristics of a memoir and reading some examples written by authors.  After that,, I finished drafting my model memoir, thinking aloud as I went.  The model has been uploaded to GC - writing, for students to use as they draft their own.

While I met with guided reading groups, the children watched a Learn Zillion lesson about using quotation marks in writing and completed a practice activity.  After that, they worked on completing the rough draft for their memoir.  Then, those who weren't finished, had time to work on their Culture Google Slides presentation.

Pink:  We began with some word work focusing on -r controlled vowels.  After that we discussed using the main idea and key details to summarize non-fiction text.  Then we practiced read the first two paragraphs of the article, "Festivals from Around the World."  For HOMEWORK the students need to practice reading the first two paragraphs, working on fluency.

Blue:  We discussed using the main idea and key details to summarize non-fiction text.  Then the students read an article called, "Festivals from Around the World," and identified two new holidays they read about and one fact about each.  Then we discussed where to find the main idea of a multi paragraph essay.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire article and number the paragraphs.

Orange:  We discussed using the main idea and key details to summarize non-fiction text.  Then the students read an article called, "Festivals from Around the World," and identified two new holidays they read about and one fact about each.  Then we discussed where to find the main idea of a multi paragraph essay.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire article and number the paragraphs.

Green:  We discussed using the main idea and key details to summarize non-fiction text.  Then the students read an article called, "Festivals from Around the World," and identified two new holidays they read about and one fact about each.  Then we discussed where to find the main idea of a multi paragraph essay.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire article and number the paragraphs.

After meeting with guided reading groups, I worked with individual students planning and drafting their memoirs.

HOMEWORK is posted on GC - Holman's Homework.

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