Friday, May 22, 2015


This has been a long week...not sure why...the students have been great...but we are definitely ready for a long, three day weekend!!

After reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we began our math rotations.

During the teacher led, small group instruction, we focused on comparing various quadrilaterals using specific attributes.

During math with a partner, the children worked collaboratively to finish the activity from Wednesday.  First the solve 24 geometry task cards.  Then they scanned a QR code to access the answers and check their own work.  Finally, they posted, on a Padlet wall, what they already knew, what they learned, and questions they still had, after completing this activity.

Finally, during the technology rotation, students finished watching, and taking notes in their math journal, several Learn Zillion lessons about identifying and describing various quadrilaterals using their attributes.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then began our literacy block.

While I met with guided reading groups the students worked independently.  First they completed an independent reading task.  Then they practiced their word work words.  Tigers and Panthers wrote each word once using one color for vowels and another for consonants.  Leopards and Lions completed Give Me a Clue using 10 of their words.  Next the children finished viewing the Econ and Me lesson about production and, in their social studies journal, they defined the word producer, listed the 3 types of resources, with an example of each, and describe a choice the children in the video had to make.  Finally, the students drew a diagram of either the life cycle of an aluminum can or a newspaper.

Panthers:  We read a Scholastic News article, online, about robots and compared and contrasted it to the Encyclopedia Britannica article we read earlier in the week.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working on their independent assignments while I met with more guided reading groups.

Tigers:  Independently the students reread their book and reviewed the sections they marked as surprising or confusing in preparation for our group discussion.  In group we attempted to discuss the book using their marked sections of text but the students hadn't completed the independent work.  I sent them back to their seats.  :-(

Leopards:  Independently the children read a Scholastic News article about robots and then compared and contrasted it, using a Venn diagram in their RRJ, with the Encyclopedia Britannica article they read earlier this week.  In group we identified the main idea of the Scholastic article and then discussed the similarities and differences between the two.

Lions:  Independently the children read a Scholastic News article about robots and then compared and contrasted it, using a Venn diagram in their RRJ, with the Encyclopedia Britannica article they read earlier this week.  In group we identified the main idea of the Scholastic article and then discussed the similarities and differences between the two.

We ended our literacy block early to discuss the quality of work this week.  I'll leave it at that...

Then, after a fire drill, we shared homework writing journals.

Finally, we ended the day with a class meeting.  First we all shared what was on our minds...and boy, it was very clear why the children struggled with their assignments!  They were all thinking about a fun-filled weekend!!  Then we exchanged thank-yous and compliments.  Finally, we revisited the challenge of putting effort into our school work.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!  I KNOW next week will be better!

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