Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning the students completed the Wednesday section of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, cause.  After that, they played an online word game, since it is Word Wednesday.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a word problem warm up and then tackled last night's homework.  Then we began today's rotations.

During the small group lesson, we represented and solved word problems involving fractions and intervals of time.  During math with a partner, the students completed a task called, "Order Up" involving multiplying whole numbers by a fraction and then simplifying their product.  Finally, during the technology portion, the children completed a session of Xtra Math, and then used a site called "Sal's Subs" to practice measurement to a fraction of an inch.

In between the second and third rotations, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

For homework, the children need to complete problems 3 and 4 on the back of the worksheet that we began in small group.  I have attached the problems to an assignment in GC, just in case.  :-)

After math, we began our literacy block with a writing lesson.  Today we heard a personal narrative, written by a 15 year old, about a time he learned a lesson from his father.  After discussing the essay, we thought about, and shared, personal memories of a time we learned something from an adult.  Then, the students chose a memory, or event, to write about, using sensory details.  Finally, the  students shared their writing with their partner, and some with the entire class, as we ate snack.

Next, we began our reading and independent work block.  We started by reviewing everyday examples of cause and effect.  Then, the students played a game of Kahoot which focused on identifying the cause, the effect, or the signal word, in a section of text.  After that, we reviewed their independent work tasks for today.

First, the children read a section of text called, "The Colombian Exchange," and identified 3 effects of it.  After that, they finished watching "The Lorax" and identifying examples of cause and effect on a graphic organizer.  Finally, they read a debate about plastic straws and listed evidence, from the text, for both sides of the argument.  This will turn into a graded opinion piece later in the week.

While they worked, I had time to meet with the remaining reading groups from yesterday.

Green:  We reviewed the unknown words in their text about Christopher Columbus.  Then, we took a look at a map showing the routes to help us better comprehend our reading.  We identified and discussed examples of cause and effect from the text. Finally, we discussed Columbus's origin, destinations, and goals.

Blue:  We reviewed the unknown words in their text about Christopher Columbus.  Then, we took a look at a map showing the routes to help us better comprehend our reading.  We identified and discussed examples of cause and effect from the text. Finally, we discussed Columbus's origin, destinations, and goals.

We ended the day with a social studies lesson reviewing the origin, destination, and goals of Christopher Columbus's voyages.  We also worked on paraphrasing sections of text in order to take notes.

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