Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Novel Kind of a Day!

We didn't post yesterday because we were visiting the Chesapeake Bay.  We had a fabulous time and learned a lot about ecosystems.

This morning, the students wrote a comment on the Google Classroom - Homeroom page, identifying their favorite part of yesterday's field trip.  Then, they completed the Tuesday and Wednesday sections for our vocabulary word of the week, produce.  After the morning announcements,  we switched for math.

We began math with a warm up, reviewing rounding multi-digit numbers to various places.  Then, the students took a formative on rounding.  These have been graded and returned to the children.  Look for them in the math section of your child's binder.

Next, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to math, we quickly reviewed using the standard algorithm to add multi-digit numbers with composing.  Then, they completed a quick exit card, so I can see what they know and what they need to learn.

After math, the students returned to homeroom and we began drafting this blog post.  Then, we began our literacy block.

First, we identified theme as the central message, or a lesson, that we can learn from the text and apply elsewhere in our lives.  It is usually inferred.  After reading through a list of themes commonly used in children's literature, we identified the theme of Pop's Bridge.  Then the students worked independently, on the following tasks, as I met with guided reading groups.

First, each group read the first two chapters of the guided reading book and marked places they felt were funny, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then, they completed the perspective assignment that they began on Monday.  Finally, the finished the 3-2-1 task for the Chesapeake Bay.

Reading Groups:
Blue:  They are reading Soccer Shake-Up. We reviewed some vocabulary from the first two chapters.  Then they watched and listened, as I thought out loud, and read a couple of pages to model how to use think marks.  Finally, they read chapters 1 and 2 and marked places they felt were funny, surprising or confusing.

Pink:  They are reading Frindle.  When they came to group, we reviewed some of their think marks and discussed the characters of Nick and Mrs. Granger.

Green:  They are reading  Drita.  When they came to group we discussed Drita's perspective regarding her new life in America.  We also compared the two girls.

After reading, we ate snack and continued reading Wonder.

Then, we read about Allen Say's life and discussed how he used events from his life to write his books.  After that, the students wrote independently for 20 minutes.

We didn't get to science or social studies because there were a gazillion flyers to hand out.  PLEASE have your child clear out his/her home folder this evening.


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