Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thrilling Thursday

This morning, the students had the chance, once again, to catch up on unfinished assignments.  After the announcements we began the third persuasive writing lesson in the new program.

We began by reviewing the persuasive essays we read yesterday and the purpose and audience of each.  Then read a new persuasive piece, determined the purpose and audience, and noticed how the author clearly states his opinion early, in one sentence, and then immediately gives some reasons.  Finally, the students chose an opinion, from our class chart, and wrote about it for 10 minutes.

Next we switched or math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that we did a warm up and went over last night's homework.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction we practiced identifying equivalent fractions using number lines.  During math with a partner the students identified equivalent fractions playing, Go Darth.  Finally, during the technology rotation,  the students practiced identifying equivalent fractions using the sites, IXL Equivalent Fractions and Caterpillar Equivalent Fractions.

For HOMEWORK the students need to complete the worksheet we began in class.

After math the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.  Then we began our literacy block.

First, we had another persuasive writing lesson.  This lesson focused on what we noticed about persuasive essays, me modeling a quick write persuasive essay, and then the students writing about an opinion for 15 uninterrupted minutes.  Finally, some of the children shared their writing.

Next we took a Go Noodle brain break and turned our attention to reading.

While I met with groups the students reread Theseus and the Minotaur and finished their summaries.  Then they watched a video of the myth and compared and contrasted the two versions, using a graphic organizer.  If they finished early, they caught up on unfinished work.

Pink and Blue:  With the help of the text, we retold the main details in the myth, Theseus and the Minotaur.  Then we used our inferencing skills to determine a theme.

Orange:  Students shared their summaries and we identified areas that included too many unimportant details.  Then we used the summary and our inferencing skills to determine the theme in the myth.

Green:  Students shared their summaries and we identified areas that included too many unimportant details.  Then we used the summary and our inferencing skills to determine the theme in the myth.

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