Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thrilling Thursday - Report Card Day!

This morning, before the announcements, the children had time to work on a WTW practice activity.  We will have a WTW assessment tomorrow.  Remember, they are responsible for knowing the spelling and meaning of each word.

After the announcements we began science.  First, the children completed a short formative.  Using the list of ecological levels, with their definitions, they had to identify the smallest and largest level and then which one represented where they fit in and why.  After that, they finished their illustrations of the ecological levels and then shared them with the rest of the class.

Then we took a Go Noodle brain break and began our math block.  Today the children stayed in homerooms for math, since two of the other classes were on the field trip to Flag Ponds.

My math class watched a Learn Zillion lesson about multiplying 3 and 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number using place value, and then completed a follow up worksheet.  Compacted math worked on comparing fractions using benchmarks.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class we began our literacy block.

First the students met with their guided reading group members to reread their play and write a response explaining which element they would add or improve it it.  Then the students worked on cleaning up and illustrating their historical fiction stories for our class book.  Those who finished early, completed a WTW practice activity.

Pink: This morning I met with each child individually to conduct my November informal reading testing.  Then, this afternoon, we met as a group.  First we practiced reading words with the -ou vowel pattern.  Then we did a quick word chain activity.  After that, we finished reading the play.  Then we listed the structural elements of a play and the students reviewed theirs to identify one that they would add or improve.  Finally, we practiced writing which element we would add and how it would improve the play.  HW:  Practice flashcards and reread play, with an adult, working on fluency.

Blue:  This morning, we met as a group, to read through a story I will be using for their November informal reading assessment.  Then, this afternoon they met to reread the play and identify an element they would add or improve.  In group we shared their responses and reviewed how to construct a model answer.  Then they drew a line of learning below their independent answer and wrote a new response with my help.  HW:  Reread play, with am adult, working on fluency.

After the blue group met, I had to attend an in-house meeting.

Mrs. Moran met with the final two groups.

Orange:  The students met and reread their play.  Then they discussed  which element they would add or improve.  Next they wrote a response explaining their thinking.  In group they shared their responses.

Green: The students met and reread their play.  Then they discussed  which element they would add or improve.  Next they wrote a response explaining their thinking.  In group they shared their responses.

Report cards are coming home today!  Keep the report card, but, please, sign and return the empty envelope.

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