Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, after the announcements, the students took the third, and final, session for the ELA/Literacy PARCC.  There is NO testing tomorrow.  We will resume testing on Friday, with math.

After testing, the students enjoyed indoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we worked, as a class, on the Genius Hour project.  Together we attempted to set up a class web site to organize each students "stuff" (for lack of better term) in one place.  After attempting to use Google Sites,, and, we put that on hold.  Instead we created a planning guide for each students to complete listing their driving question, the project idea, materials they will need, and the step by step process they will use to complete the project.

After that we continued our budgeting activity to determine if the students are responsible enough to have a pet.  Today we focus on income generators.  Each student completed a chart indicating how they will earn enough money to get and take care of the pet of their choice.

The students ended their day with Mrs. Graf in music.

As a side note....
I will be out tomorrow attending a funeral for a cousin.  Students will be working on their genius hour project.  They will have a quiz covering picture and bar graphs.  Finally, they will complete their budget for their pet.

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