Tuesday, April 12, 2016


This morning, after the announcements, we had a quick, emergency, class meeting.  The reason?  Someone had come into my class, yesterday afternoon, after I left.  They told the Robotics teacher that I had taken a wristband from them and told them they could come get it.  The Robotics teacher watched them go into my desk and take some gum.  I told the students that this hurt me and made me feel disrespected.

After our talk, we began our literacy block.  We had two visitors from Ms. Marsh's fourth grade class come speak to us about their experiences with Genius Hour. They also answered some questions from our students.

After they left the students got to work on their independent work.  First, all reading groups finished reading their new books and listed unknown words on a sticky note.  Then they practiced their word work words writing each across and down.  Finally, the students began brainstorming topics and questions for their Genius Hour project.

Pink:  Independently the students read the entire book and listed unknown words.  In group we reviewed the extensive vocabulary in their book and practiced using many of the words.  After that we retold the story, together, as a group.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the story.

Green:  Independently the students read the entire book and listed unknown words.  In group we reviewed the extensive vocabulary in their book and practiced using many of the words.  After that we retold the story, together, as a group.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the story.

Blue:  Independently the students read the entire book and listed unknown words.  In group we reviewed the extensive vocabulary in their book and practiced using many of the words.  After that we retold the story, together, as a group.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the story.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.  First we did a Train Your Brain where students listed as many facts as they could with an even product and a 6 in the tens column.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction the students used rulers to measure the perimeter of rectilinear figures, in inches.

During math with a partner, the students used 12, 1-inch squares, to creates rectangles with different perimeters but the same area.

Finally, during math with a partner, the students viewed two Learn Zillion lessons about perimeter and took notes in their math journals.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

We only made it through the first two math rotations due to a special treat.  After math we went to the mobile science lab and made soy glue.  Tomorrow we will test the glue, against Elmer's glue, to see which has a stronger bond.

After our science lesson we returned to the classroom.  Ms. Snyder met us there to do a lesson about personal body safety.

Spring pictures are Friday.  Order forms will be sent home Thursday.

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