Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after reading quietly or practicing keyboarding, the students continued working on their amusement parks and meeting with me in small groups.  During the small group instruction we reviewed representing data using a pictograph and then practiced interpreting them.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, the homework page.  There are two links to help review pictographs.  Also, there is one last writing homework journal entry due Friday...I am hoping students will choose to write about this past year.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then began our literacy block.

Today students began with a guided reading task.  Then they tried to complete their Powtoon presentation for their inquiry issue.  After that, they added topics to the Padlet wall for Fly Up Day.  Finally, they worked on a Google Slide presentation entitle, "Final Thoughts on Third Grade".

As the children worked on these assignments, I met with guided reading groups.

Panthers:  In group we read chapter 9, stopping after a few paragraphs to review what had happened.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Tigers:  Independently they reread pages 4-14 and in their RRJ they identified the problem and the Slacker's solution to it.  They also explained their personal point of view as to whether or not their solution was a good choice.  In group we discussed the problem (no clean clothes) and the solution (they bought new clothes).  Finally, we judged whether the Slackers made the best choice.

Leopards:  Independently the students read chapter 9 and , in their RRJ, listed the 5 books that were missing from the library, identified what the books had in common, and explained the new clue.  In group we discussed this chapter and reviewed the new clue, rereading portions of the text as needed.

Lions:  Independently the students read chapters 13 and 14, and in their RRJ, they explained why the kids went to the library and why Harvey decided to tell the truth.  In group we discussed these two chapters including why the children were opening up to each other and what Harvey discovered about his mother.

After our literacy block, we shared the Powtoon presentations that the students created for their inquiry projects.  They were FABULOUS!!!!  PLEASE have your child show you them....they are posted in Google Classroom on the literacy page.

Please remind your child to empty backpacks and home folders each night!!

Tomorrow's spirit day is WIMSical Wednesday....wear WIMS gear or blue and green, our school colors!

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