Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - Ride of Hope

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we watched a video to learn about Ride of Hope.  This is a group of 48 bicyclists who ride from New York to Washington, DC, to raise money, and awareness, for missing children.  We were treated to a visit from them during our day, today.

After viewing the video and briefly discussing the group's purpose and journey, we began our math rotations.

Today, during the small group, teacher-led instruction we will focus on the similarities and differences between rhombuses, squares and rectangles.

During math with a partner, the students worked collaboratively, engaging in math discourse, to complete 24 geometry task cards.  Then they scanned a QR code to access the answers, and checked their own work.  Finally, they posted what they already knew, what they had learned, and what they still wondered, on a Padlet wall.

During the technology portion, the students continued watching, and taking notes in their math journals, Learn Zillion lessons about recognizing, identifying, and describing various quadrilaterals.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, the homework page.  Students will practice identifying, sorting, and describing quadrilaterals, using a linked web site.  There is a writing homework journal entry due Friday.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then began our literacy block.

Today, during independent work, the children began with a guided reading task.  Then all groups completed a header sort using their new word work words.  After that, the students viewed an Econ and Me lesson about production and, in their social studies journal, they explained what a producer is, list the three types of resources and give an example of each, and describe a choice the children had to make during the production process.  After that, they continued revising their inquiry project.  Finally, they viewed a diagram depicting the life cycle of a plastic bottle, and then created a diagram of the life cycle of either newspaper or an aluminum can.

While the students worked on their assignments, I met with guided reading groups.

Panthers:  We reviewed the green question they wrote using the header in the EB: Robots article and then the main idea statement that answered that question.  For HOMEWORK the students should reread the EB: Robot article.  There is a link on tonight's Google Classroom homework assignment.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working and I met with more groups.

Tigers:  Independently they previewed their new book.  In group I gave a thorough book introduction which included new vocabulary and the gist of the story.  Then began reading the book.

Around 12:30 we joined the rest of the school to greet the Ride of Hope participants, and listen to their message.  I tweeted out a few pictures.  It was such a great experience.

When we returned to the classroom, we participated in a whole group science lesson about the life cycle of a product, ways to reduce, reuse and recycle, and how technology has had a positive impact on our environment.

Then the children ended their day in PE.

Unfortunately, I did not meet with every reading group due to our exciting visit with the Ride of Hope group.

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