Friday, February 6, 2015


This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we had our math block.  As noted in yesterday's email, our block consisted of students completing the MAP-M assessment or working on a task for the 4/5 compacted math assessment portfolio.  Students not involved in these activities had time to catch up on Learn Zillion lessons or practice math skills using sites linked to the third grade web site math page.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

Following recess I reviewed today's independent work assignments and then the children worked on them while I met with guided reading groups.

Today all group completed a written comprehension assignment in their RRJ.  Then they practiced their word work words with an activity of their own choosing.  Next they finished up tasks from the past week.  These included reading realistic fiction picture books and taking notes on character's actions, theme, page layout, and illustrations.  They also practiced writing M, N, and W in cursive.  Additionally, they read biographies on Pebble Go, and selected 3 Black Americans they would like to use to create a "Facebook" page.  Finally, they watched a Brain Pop Jr. lesson about reading maps and completed a 3-2-1 note taking sheet.

Tigers:  We reviewed the header sorts from last night's homework.  Then we revisited pages 28-32 in their book and discussed how Kate crossed the bridge and her reason for doing so in that manner.  Finally, I gave them a mini spelling test.  We will begin a new word study unit on Monday.

Leopards:  The children received a chart of common character traits.  Then they reread chapter IX and, in their RRJ, identified a character trait for Dr. Crider and used ideas from the text to explain their thinking.  In group we reviewed the list of character traits and I explained those that were new to the students.  Then some of the children shared their RRJ entries identifying a character trait for Dr. Crider.  As they did we discussed their responses pointing our strengths and weaknesses.  Finally, I gave them a mini spelling test on their word work words.  We will begin a new word work unit on Monday.  One more thing--the students emptied out their word work baggies and removed the classwork schedule from their journals.  They replaced it with a list of different options for word work.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 11 and, in their RRJ, they wrote about the change in mood from the beginning to the end of this chapter, using details from the book to support their answer.  In group we began by emptying out their word work baggies and removing the classwork/homework schedule from their journal and replacing it with a list of practice activities.  After that, we discussed the change in mood in chapter 11.  Finally, the students took a mini spelling/vocabulary test.  I gave them clues and they had to write the correct word work word and spell it correctly.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 7 and explained why Grandpa spoke sternly to Anna, Mrs. Beaver, and Mrs. Sweeney.  In group we began by emptying out their word work baggies and removing the classwork/homework schedule from their journal and replacing it with a list of practice activities.  Next we discussed why Grandpa had spoken sternly to the women.  Finally, I gave the students a mini spelling test.  We will begin a new word work unit on Monday.

After our literacy block we shared writing homework journals.

We ended the day with a class meeting.  First, during the group share, each person had a chance to share how they were feeling.  Answers ranged from, "hungry" to "frustrated because people were laughing while I tried to do my work and it distracted me."  It was actually very insightful!  After that we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we brainstormed what should be done when students misbehave.

I can honestly say that I enjoy EVERY student in this class...they are own special in unique ways.  Unfortunately, the poor behavior choices are increasing weekly.  I try to encourage choice and freedoms during learning but some students are making that a challenge.  So, I had the class share how they would handle the behavior challenges if they were the teacher.  We listed their ideas on a flip chart which we will review at next week's class meeting.  Ideas ranged from student calling home to sending students to the principal's office or sending home more reflection sheets.  The list was long!  Let's hope I don't have to use them!

Please return the Mad Science permission slip and $6 as soon as you can.
Remember, our Valentine's Day party is next Friday, February 13, from 1-2.

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