Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we changed classroom jobs and then began math rotations.

When working in the small group, teacher led, instruction the students used geoboards to partition, identify and label equal parts of a whole.  Emphasis was put on equal parts having the same area but not necessarily looking alike.

During math with a partner, students partitioned and labelled rectangles into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths and sixths.  Then they either played fraction bump or a fraction matching game.

Finally, during the technology rotation the students used unit fractions to create bridges when playing Math Playground - Fractions.  Then they named pieces of circle fractions using the correct unit fraction at Circle Fractions.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on the Google Classroom homework page.

After math we reviewed the literacy tasks for today.

Students will complete independent guided reading groups assignments.  Then they will revise and finalize their inquiry project using my written feedback.  Next, they will create a multimedia presentation, using Google Slides, for their inquiry project tool.  After that they will practice writing the letters q, o, and c in cursive.  Then they will identify heating and cooling processes that change a material into a usable project using one of the four "How It's Made..." videos.  Finally, they will listen to the BES nominee, This is the Rope:  a Story of Migration, and rate it on their capture sheet.

Then, as the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  First we reviewed the r controlled vowel words they added to their charts for homework last night.  Then we read page 4 and highlighted new words with r-controlled vowels.  Then the students reread pages 4 and we practiced summarizing what we read to improve comprehension.  For HOMEWORK the students will reread page 4 and add the highlighted words to the r-controlled vowel chart in their RRJ.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Panthers:  Independently the students read page 11 and identified an example of cause and effect on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we began by sharing their right there questions and answers from last night's homework.  Then we reviewed cause and effect.  The cause is the why...the action that make the effect happen.  The students shared the examples they identified independently and we revised as necessary.  Overall the children are struggling to identify examples of cause and effect.  So we returned to using real life examples.  For HOMEWORK the children will read page 12 and identify the effect to the cause we listed on the t-chart in their RRJ (cause:  people found slat underground)

After that, I conferenced with each student on their opinion paragraph for their inquiry project.

Lions:  Independently the students reread pages 8-10 and added an example of cause and effect to the t-chart in their RRJ.  We began group by sharing what surprised them and questions they wondered as they read pages 8-10 for homework last night.  After that we shared the examples of cause and effect that they identified during  today's independent work.  Students are experiencing some difficulties with cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 11 and 12 and identify one thing that surprised them and one thing they wondered as they read.

Next, I conferenced with group members, individually, on their opinion paragraph rough drafts.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread pages 6-8 and added an example of cause and effect to the t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we began by sharing what surprised them and what they wondered as they read pages 6-8 for homework last night.  Then we shared the examples of cause and effect that they identified for independent work.  For HOMEWORK the students will read pages 9 and 10 and identify one thing that surprised them and one question they are wondering as they read.

As I look back over today's blog post, it looks like we weren't very productive.  However, in the past two days, all reading groups have met daily and each student has met with me to get feedback on their writing.  We have really accomplished a lot!!

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