Monday, October 20, 2014

Marvelous Monday

After reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we began our math rotations.

Today we turned our focus to division.  In small group we used manipulatives to model and solve a division situation.  We discussed what we started with and how we got our answer.  Finally, we wrote an equation and identified what each number, in the equation, represented.

During math with a partner, the students used the picture array cards, from last week, to write multiplication word problems.  They began by providing information based on the array cards.  Then they asked a question.  Finally, they wrote an equation that matched their word problem.

Last, but not least, the students watched a Learn Zillion lesson about finding a missing quotient.  After that, they practiced identifying quotients using Sumdog.

Students were only able to get through 2 rotations since we were treated to an assembly provided by the PTA at 10am.  The assembly was a puppet show teaching about conservation.  It was a great treat!!

After the assembly, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to the classroom, I reviewed the independent assignments for today's literacy block.  Some groups began with reading group tasks.  Then students were told they needed to finish their opinion paragraph.  After that, the children wrote than you notes to the PTA for providing the puppet show.  Next, the children downloaded the app, Powtoon, and spent time exploring it.  As they did, they were instructed to write down any questions they had and to think about how they might use it to present their inquiry project. Finally, the students were able to listen to reading or practice read to self.

Panthers:  The students shared their fact and opinion statements from homework last week.  Then we did a quick thumbs up (fact) and thumbs down (opinion), using the book, determining whether statements were fact or opinion.  After that, I collected their guided reading books.  They didn't get a new one yet.

Leopards:  Independently the students read pages 6 and 7 and identified one example of cause and effect on a sticky note.  In group we shared their examples of cause and effect.  Then we reviewed fact and opinion and the students shared their examples from homework last week.

Lions:   The students handed in their old book and received a new book, Early Americans. Independently they read pages 2 and 3.  Then they defined the word culture and determined how to pronounce the names of the well-known Indian groups.  In group we shared their findings. and then discussed the idea that everyone has culture and part of learning about groups of people involves identifying aspects there culture.

HOMEWORK:  There are no individual reading group homework assignments.  Instead there is a math and language arts assignment on Google Classroom.

Also, students brought home a permission slip for our field trip, NEXT MONDAY, October 27 to the Baltimore Museum of Industry.  Please look for it and return it to school ASAP!

Before going to music, we revisited the science experiment where the students were supposed to compare the distance two objects traveled in a set amount of time.  I reviewed and emphasized that each object had to travel for the same amount of time and then the students needed to use a tape measure to determine the distance each traveled.  Once again, the groups lost site of their goal.  So, met as a class and identified challenges that occur when working collaboratively and ways we can alleviate these frustrations.

Finally, the students ended their day in music.

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