Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday...Day 3

We began our day with another getting to know you activity.  Today the students were given instructions as to how to group, and regroup, themselves.  Once in those groups they shared answers to various questions with the members of each formation.  For example, one formation was to get into a group of 4 who were all wearing the same color.  Then they had to share something that makes them special.  We had a lot of fun and learned some interesting thing about each other.

After that, I introduced Class Dojo, an online behavior management program that we will be using at Wilson Wims ES.  Look for a letter, coming home this evening, explaining the site and inviting you to join.  One note...we will be focusing on positive behaviors and earning points toward rewards.

Next we took a brain break using Go Noodle.  Check out the site for more information.

Before going to lunch the students took a math pre-assessment to help me plan for instruction.  I took great care to make sure they understood it was NOT graded and I didn't care how they did...I just needed to know what math skills they know and what needs to be taught.  :-)

Following lunch and recess we reviewed the chart we created for the "Read to Self" component of the Daily 5.  Then we practiced "Read to Self".  Our goal is to build stamina to read for at least 20 uninterrupted minutes.  During our first practice we last 45 seconds.  :-O  But we quickly progressed to 5 minutes 30 seconds.  That's a big improvement!!

After that I introduced a reading comprehension strategy called Check for Understanding.  I modeled this strategy while reading the story, Once Upon A Motorcycle Dude, to the class.

Next, we moved onto social studies.  My plan was for the students to work in collaborative groups to complete a chart identifying the jobs of students, teacher, parents, and all of us, in each child's academic success.  I handed out the assignment via Google Classroom (remember, we were introduced to that yesterday!).  Unfortunately, we hit a few snags.  While we did not complete this task, it was a great opportunity to model making and LEARNING from my mistakes.  We will revisit this assignment, in class, tomorrow.

Finally, we participated in our first WWES fire drill and went to PE.

The "All About Me" homework assignment is due tomorrow.  :-)

Please sign and return the bottom portion of the Class Dojo sheet as soon as you sign up for an account.

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