Friday, May 9, 2014

Fantastic Friday

The children began their day in PE with Mr. Lee.

When they returned to class, some students shared their strategy for solving the Hot Topic word problem from yesterday's guided practice.  Then we took our quiz.  The quizzes have been scored and should be in the math section of your child's binder.  Please review it!  :-)

After math we had a simplified, impromptu class meeting to discuss this weeks independent assignments for the reading and writing block.  Several students had expressed feeling stressed out.  I gave the students a chance to elaborate and realized that due to testing the children had missed some instructional time and had tired brains.  No wonder they were worried about getting everything done.  So, I adjusted the expectations. 

By the end of today, the students must have completed the draft of the fourth, and final, paragraph of the inquiry project.  Additionally, they will have to have watched the video about production and written about the natural, human and capital resources involved in the making of pizza.

While the students worked independently, I met with students to conference on their issue inquiry projects.  Then I met with reading groups.

Sharks:  We reviewed that when a c is followed by an e or an i it makes the /s/ sound.  Then we practiced decoding some words that follow that rule.  Next, I shared the idea that when words have double consonants (daddy, pebble, million) the vowel doesn't say its name, it makes the short sound.  After that, we read chapter 3.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Dolphins:  We began group with the students practicing their word bag cards.  Then we revisited the story, A Surprise for the Big, Bad Wolf, and identified how one event led to another by creating a flow chart in their RRJ.

Cheetahs:  In group we shared, and discussed, the evidence from the book showing that Walt's father did love him. 

Pandas:  We discussed chapter 2 and identified character traits that Tiger Wood's displayed in this early years.  We related them to his successes.

We ended the day by making a concept word splash, to support writing and discourse, for our economics unit.  Then we read Anna's New Coat and identified examples of the three types of resources, limited resources and choices from the story.

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