Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A VERY Wonderful Wednesday

This morning the class took the third, and final, MAP-R reading assessment.  This is the self adjusting, computerized test that students take each year beginning in third grade.  IT is used to plan for appropriate instruction and ensure that the lessons are meeting each student's needs.

I truly could not be any prouder of your children!!!!  They ALL put an enormous amount of effort into the test!  I was able to see them reading and rereading the text selection, answer choices and questions.  It was truly a model of how any person should attack an assessment.  Believe me, I praised them long and hard, using specific details of what was so wonderful!  :-)

With that said--we did not have math today and there is no math homework.

When we returned to class...almost two hours later...I applauded their effort.  Then we discussed the purpose of the flipped instruction/personalized learning we do in class each day.  I wanted to make sure the students understand that it frees me up to meet with individual students and small groups AND that it allows students to pause and replay as necessary.  This enables them to receive instruction at their own pace and repeat as necessary.

Next, we discussed the next step in the inquiry writing assignment.  Revising paragraph 2.  I modeled how to read their paragraph and record it using an iPad.  Then I showed students how to replay it and make sure it sounds right.  Students were instructed to use the revising pens to make corrections as necessary.

While I met with small groups, the students completed independent reading group assignments, and watched an educreations lesson about paragraph 2 and then drafted and revised one.  After that they read about natural resources and identified how chocolate, vanilla and rice are grown processed and used.  Finally, they watched the traditional tale King Midas and the Golden Touch and wrote about effort and motivation in the story.

Sharks:  We began rereading White Wave and marked the problem and events in the plot.  Tomorrow we will finish our rereading and continue to mark events and the solution.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 1 and 2 of White Wave.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued to work independently while I met with more groups.

Dolphins:  Independently the students read their word bag cards twice.  In group we practiced writing words with the -ight pattern.  Then we reviewed the problem and solution the children marked in the Jack and the Beanstalk book.  After that we reviewed that plot is the events leading from the problem to the solution.  Then we began identifying the events in the plot of the book.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread Jack and the Beanstalk...working on fluency!

Cheetahs:  The students reread White Wave and began charting the events in the plot and the main character's reactions to them.  In group we practiced short vowel sounds by making word chains--ask your child about that!  Then we began identifying the events in the plot of the story and the main character's reactions to them.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread White Wave.

Pandas: The students reread White Wave and began charting the events in the plot and the main character's reactions to them.  In group we began identifying the events in the plot of the story and the main character's reactions to them. For HOMEWORK the students need to reread White Wave.

We ended the day by reviewing the three types of natural resources.  Then, with the help of a student, we refocused our attention to the natural resources found on the map of Maryland and discussed how each would be characterized.  Finally, we watched a silly You Tube video about saving natural resources.

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