Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday...Marching towards Spring Break!!

With MSA testing behind us and Spring Break ahead, we are getting back to our routine...somewhat!

This week, during our reading and writing blocks, we will be concentrating on publishing and sharing our realistic fiction picture books.  Therefore, reading groups will not resume until we return from Spring Break.

Our reading homework will be via Edmodo.  The students WILL still write the assignment in their, no homework written in planner=no reading homework!  :-)

I am planning to post articles about issues that have more than one side.  This will build their background knowledge and prepare them for their 4th quarter reading, writing and research project.

We began the morning with a class meeting.  Our group share had the students stating their thoughts about the MSA.  Overall, students agreed that some parts were easy and others more challenging.  After that, we shared compliments.  Finally, we discussed challenges that were on the children's minds.

Next we reviewed the characteristic of the literary non-fiction genre and read the book Emma's Poem.  This book was the true story of Emma Lazarus, the poet who scribed the famous poem bearing the lines, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

After discussing the book, the students continued working on their realistic fiction picture book (publishing and illustrating) and they also read an article called, "Healthful Foods, " and wrote three things they learned and 1 question they still had.

I met with individual students to help them with editing and publishing their stories.

In math we reviewed comparing fractions and naming equivalents during their warm up.  Then we switched our focus to the memorization of the basic multiplication facts.  We will be focusing on this most of the week. Today the students got into small groups of either 2 or 4 and played a game called 4 in a Row that required recall of the multiplication basic facts.  Students were told to note challenging facts on a sticky note (as the played).  Before going to lunch we shared some of the tricky facts.  Each fact shared (except one) included 7 as a factor.  So, based on this information, the children will have a worksheet for homework that practices the 7's multiplication facts.  I would also suggest that students visit math fact cafe for more help!

Following lunch and outdoor recess I explained tonight's EDMODO HOMEWORK.  Students are to read the article I posted on Edmodo and write 1-2 sentences explaining the issue (problem) stated in the article.

Then the children continued their independent work assignments from this morning.  I, again, helped individual students.

We ended the day by reviewing a Power Point called Healthy Eating, that can be found at  We identified food groups and nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet.  We also discussed the different factors that contribute to identifying and maintaining a healthy weight for individuals.

This week is our school's canned food drive.  If you can help, please send items in with your child this week!

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