Friday, January 18, 2013

End of MP 2...WHAT?!?!?!

Can you believe that we are half way through the school year?  Today marks the last day of the second marking period.  When the students return on Wednesday, we will begin the third marking period!!

The children began their day by going to music.

When they returned to class they had 30 minutes to finalize their Key Note presentations for their African Desert Research projects.  After that, each group shared their Key Note presentation with the class.

In math the children took a quiz covering basic multiplication and division facts (times) and fractions.  The quiz will not be used for determining grades this marking period.  They will be sent home early next week.  I will use the data I collect from these quizzes to plan for instruction as we head into the new marking period.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students will view a Power Point and make the connection that the images in the presentation all are sources of energy.  Then they will view a brief video clip about fossil fuels...what they are and how they are used.  After that, they will listen to the story The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind and discuss what motivated the boy to use the energy sources he did. 

Our day will end with our class teaching Mr. Vogel's class about the African Desert, using the Key Note presentations.  Then Mr. Vogel's class will teach our students about the African Savannah.

Have a wonderful long weekend...remember no school on Monday in honor of Marting Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday.  Also, there is no school for students on is a report card preparation day for teachers.  So, yes, I do have to work.  :-)

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