Friday, December 7, 2012


After beginning the day in music, the students returned to class to review affixes (prefixes and suffixes).  Following a review mini-lesson, the children worked collaboratively, in small groups, to complete a word map for an assigned affix. 

Their assignment included; taking a picture of the task, cropping the picture and importing it into Penultimate (an iPad app).  Then they had to define the affix, identify three words that sue the affix, draw a picture and write a sentence for one of their identified words without the affix and then with the affix.

We shared most of the groups work via the ELMO.

In math we took our third quiz for this marking period.  They are scored and should be in the math section of your child's binder.

Following lunch and outdoor recess, we brainstormed ideas we could write in our holiday letters for the cancer patients.  Then I modeled writing my own letter.  While I met with small groups the children completed their tech tool research, completed reading assignments from yesterday and wrote their holiday letter for the cancer patients.

Sharks:  I collected their technology books and introduced their next boo, Alligator in the Bathtub.  We did a picture walk and I introduced the word visible.  Then we read up to page 6.

Snakes:  We discussed how training our minds to identify suffixes, such as -ing, can make breaking down a word easier.  Then we read through our book and highlighted -ing endings using highlighter tape.

We ended the day by looking over, discussing and voting on craft ideas.  The students really liked a candy penguin that a parent shared and we are currently searching for the directions/ingredient list.

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