Friday, October 12, 2012

Finish Up Friday

After going to music this morning, the children shared what they have learned this week about determining the idea of text.  Then we revisited the key details we had listed from "The Story of the Philadelphia Mint" and used them to identify a main idea.

After that, I reviewed what we have done and where we are going with our community action writing piece.  Next I modeled how to add more information to our graphic organizers using Live Binder.  Finally, I modeled using the bottom two circles on the organizer, especially the headings, to develop a main idea or topic sentence.

While I meet with small groups, the students will write a main idea or topic sentence for their second paragraph and then "finish up" incomplete assignments including; personal narrative #2, adding information to their graphic organizer, correcting their spelling and adding words to their personal dictionary and finishing their Key Note presentations about goods and services.

In math we took our 5th quiz.  They have been graded and should be in your child's math section of their binder.  After the quiz, students had a chance to share their Educreation presentations they made in class yesterday.

Following lunch and recess the students continued their independent catch-up work.  I met with small groups to work on writing and vocabulary entries in RRJs.  So, there are no reading group updates since I didn't meet with formal reading groups.

We ended the day with a couple of students sharing their Key Note presentations about goods and services.  Then I began reading the Big Green Pocketbook, stopping at certain points to identify the businesses the main character visit,s and the goods and/or services provided by each.

Please look for the parent conference letter in your child's home folder this evening.  Complete the bottom half and return it to school as soon as possible.  Keep the top half as a reminder.  Thank you!!

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