Monday, March 19, 2012


This morning the third grade students completed the second session of the math MSA. This also marked the end of MSA testing for third grade this year!!! WOO HOO!!!!

All of the children worked very hard and made me SO proud. I saw each and every child using their strategies and putting effort into the text. That's all I can ask for!!

After testing this morning, the children read silently. Then they began sharing their before and after technology pictures that we made last week.

Before enjoying lunch and outdoor recess, the students went to music.

After recess, the children were exhausted!! SO, we watched a movie about using proper punctuation. If there is still time, we will watch a video clip about how written language was "born".

We will finish sharing the before and after technology pictures to end out day.

Remember, the sound projects are due March 28...that is NEXT Wednesday!!!!

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