Friday, February 10, 2012


This morning, during our regular reading block, the students participated in another MSA practice session. This session was for math.

During our math block, both third grade math classes met in my room to review the multiple choice questions in the practice MSA test. The students marked their own work using a blue correction pencil. Math teachers will provide written feedback to the BCR questions. This practice test will be coming home at the end of next week.

After math, since we visited the media center yesterday, we proceeded with a social studies lesson. The students worked in small groups to begin creating a presentation on the Ipad sharing rules good citizens must follow in their communities. Each presentation will include a cover slide and four slides listing rules specific to the title of that slide. The titles include; on the streets, while at school, as I shop and being neighborly. Thanks to Mr. Vogel for the brain work behind this engaging lesson.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students got to read silently while I met with reading groups.

Bears: We read and discussed chapter 2 and then the students shared their titles and explanations from last night's homework.

At the end of the day the children went to Mr. Vogel's room to watch a video about community rules and responsibilities.

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