Friday, September 2, 2011


Well, in a couple of hours, the first week of school will be in the books! Overall, it has been a great least I think so! :-)

This morning the students began working on their baseline personal narrative writing piece. They created a graphic organizer and brainstormed their ideas. After that, they used the organizer to write a rough draft. I will use these to determine their strengths and needs.

Based on the student's independent class work from yesterday, I used our math block to clear up some place value issues. While the students worked on a follow up worksheet and then played a place value game with a partner, I met with a small group that focused on place value using three digit numbers.

FOllowing a visit to the media center and lunch and recess the students will have a short introductory lesson with Mrs. Howard, our guidance counselor.

After that, they will continue working on their writing piece (is it too much to hope they finish it!?!?) while I continue my reading assessments.

I hope everyone has a wonderful 3 day weekend!!!

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