Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

In math we moved into our study of statistics. We began by making a class pictograph (a graph using pictures) of the birthdays in our math class. I took time to model the axis the scale, labels, a title and a key or legend. This took quite a bit of time. So, we were unable to meet in small groups. Tomorrow the students will create their own pictographs while I meet with small groups. There is a worksheet (pictograph) for homework.

We began reading by taking the second part of the high frequency spelling assessment. After that we reviewed cause and effect by using everyday examples. For example, I stayed up late (cause) and I was tired in the morning (effect). Then, I met with small groups (although this was a slight challenge due to a presentation on the Homeless Walk for Mr. Vogel's homeroom), while the rest of the class finished their final drafts of their personal narrative, completed a cause and effect worksheet, practiced writing the letters a, d and g in cursive and completed a WOW worksheet for our new word, heed.

Reading Groups:

Red: We reviewed their homework and discussed not suing a pronoun in the first sentence of a response. Then we finished reading the story. Tonight they need to reread pages 55-60 and think about the main idea.

Green: We handed in the plot homework assignment from last night. Then the students did a quick write (they wrote solidly for 3 minutes) about Tornadoes. Then we shared our knowledge and discussed the possible feelings we might encounter in the book. For homework the students need to preview the book and list unknown words.

HOMEWORK ALERT: The entire class must complete a cause and effect worksheet...they need to write 4 cause and effects like I modeled in class...they are to think about their lives...I didn't do my homework (cause) I had to write a note home (effect).

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students will listen to a presentation about the homeless in preparation for the upcoming Homeless Walk.

After that we will chart community workers and the goods and services which they provide in our social studies journals.

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