Thursday, March 18, 2010


This morning, after reviewing our homework and going to FASTT math the students worked independently on identifying the value of a fraction of a set. For example, 1/2 of 12 is 6. I also worked with a small group on this same skill. There is a worksheet for homework and we will have a quiz tomorrow that covers fractions, mixed numbers and probability.

I spent our reading whole group lesson reviewing and re-modelling the writing of a persuasive writing piece. In conferencing with the students I saw many students having the same challenges. They lacked a clear focus or understanding of who their audience was. Additionally, their support wasn't strong and geared toward their intended audience. I addressed all of these issues and more during my lesson.

Following music, lunch and recess the students will continue working on their writing piece by conferencing with me and then a peer. After that, they will make revisions to their rough draft. Finally, they will write a final copy. I am expecting all final copies to be finished and turned in by the end of the day tomorrow.

Therefore, I may not be meeting with my reading groups today. :-(

At 2:30 those students who earned at least 25 points on their MSA effort rubrics will be treated to an extra recess and an ice cream sandwich.

I will be out of the building tomorrow at a doctor's appointment.

Remember that the sound projects are due one week from today. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.

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