Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hump Day

In math we reviewed polygons and identified the parts of a circle; the center, the radius (a line segment from the center to any point on the circle) and the diameter (a line segment that begins and ends on the circle and passes through the center). We practiced using these terms and drawing circles with a compass. There is a worksheet for homework.

We began reading by reviewing point of view. Then we discussed the mood of stories as we read Miss Nelson Has A Field Day. After that we discussed (and I modeled) characteristics of persuasive writing.

Following PE, lunch and outdoor recess the students will take the MAP-R assessment for the second time this year. This is the computerized reading test that self adjusts to the students' level. All 3rd through 5th grade students in MCPS take it three times each year. It is an essential tool for teachers in planning instruction that meets every student's needs.

We will end the day by completing the science activity from yesterday.

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