Monday, June 1, 2009


In math we began plotting coordinates on a graph. The children had fun with this since they were given a list of coordinates to plot that created a mystery picture. For those of you that are rusty with plotting coordinates, the children need to remember to go over and then up. For example, (3, 2) would be plotted by going over three and then up two on the graph. I teach the children you have to go over to the stairs before you can climb up.

There is a worksheet for homework tonight and we will begin the review packet for the unit 6 assessment tomorrow. The assessment will be THIS Friday, June 5.

In reading we began an author study with Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Dodson, in the media center.

Following art, lunch and recess we will work on using dialogue in our realistic fiction writing. At 2:15 we will go to an assembly entitled, "Maryland, My Mayland".

Remeber that Field Day is this Wednesday, June 3. THe poetry projects are due NEXT Thursday, June 11. The projects can be handed in early. We may begin sharing them as they arrive in class...I am trying to decide if that would be unfair to anyone. My thought is that leaving 24 projects to share in the last 3 days might not have been my smartest move!!! HOWEVER, please do not rush your child to finish early. We will get them all in!!!

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