Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It's been a busy day so far...

In math the children completed the review packet and then we went over each problem as a class. Every students should bring home and completed and corrected review packet. These need to be studied for the unit 3 assessment that will be given on Thursday and Friday of this week. If you want to help, create new problems similar to mine by using mine as examples and changing the numbers.

In reading we visited the computer lab. Mrs. Rose and I showed the class the brochuse template that has been created using Publisher. Then students either continued their research, worked on their rough draft or began creating their brochure on the computer.

When we returned to the classroom I read a version of Cinderella to the class. Over the next few days we will be reading various versions of the folktale and comparing and contrasting them. Then, while I met with two reaidng groups, the children worked on their Stone SOup summary, their city research, cursive handwriting (up to the letter v) and writing to inform pieces.

Following lunch and indoor recess, the students will continue working on the above mentioned activities and go to FASTT math. I will be pulling individual students for winter reading assessments.

We will end the day by using various materials to create wind instruments.

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