Thursday, October 16, 2008


In math we took our final quiz for unit 1. We will review the unit next week and begin the assessment on Thursday.

We began reading with our second spelling dictation. These are scored and will be coming home this evening. Then we read and discussed cause and effect using "Lunch Money" the cover story in an issue of Time for Kids. Children created a t-chart in their reading response journals and then wrote about two cause and effects that were addressed in the article. They also met with me for reading groups...

JGB: Did a reread of Fisherman and His Wife using directed notes. They marked places that showed the fisherman being mean to his wife with an F and places where Alice was mean to the fisherman with an A.

Dragons: reread chapter 6 and wrote a summary of the chapter in their reading response journals.

Frogs: Read chapter 3. Then reread chapter 3 and wrote a summary of the chapter in their reading response journals.

The children also worked on the letters G and H in cursive.

Following lunch and recess the children will learn about using commas in a series (ex. I bought milk, eggs, cereal and fruit at the store.). Then they will continue writing personal narratives. In social studies they will learn about consumption as they view the third segment of Econ and Me.

Remember, no school tomorrow!

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