Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wacky Wednesday hasn't been wacky but it sounds like a good title, doesn't it?!?!

In math, we took the first formative for unit 4. Overall, the children did quite well! For homework, they are expected to review the formative with an adult. They should explain how they got their answers right and also explain how to correctly solve any problems they did not get right.

During reading, we got into small groups and began brainstorming things that change. We will continue this tomorrow. It is the first whole group lesson for the portion of the William and Mary program that will be done with the entire class. There is also a small group who will do the entire program.

Following PE, lunch and recess, we began to learn about adding voice (personlality) to our writing. We began reading a book about Pigs. Then I modeled taking a common object, a crayon, and using voice to make it interesting to read about. Following my modeled writing, the children went back to their seats to practice writing about an object using voice. Many students were quite successsful...there was much giggling when we got a chance to share our writing with the class.

Finally, Ms. Jones stopped by to read two stories to the class.

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