Wednesday, November 28, 2007


OK...down to business...

In math we took a 4 page formative...remember these are NOT graded and we review the correct answers together, as a class. For homework students MUST explain how to solve EACH problem to an adult...if they can not explain how to get the correct answer, go over it with them or send me a note and I will go over it with is imperative that children can explain HOW to get correct answers.

During reading we identified nouns and adjectives in the morning message. Then we took time to review compound words and to compare them to word that have prefixes and suffixes. We will continue to study composing and decomposing words with prefixes and/or suffixes tomorrow.

Following PE, lunch and recess we will work on editing our writing pieces. I have photocopied some samples of student work...without names, of course, and made overhead transparencies of the pieces. As a class we will go through and edit the pieces together.

Then Mrs. Howard will stop in to do a lesson on perseverance with the class. If there is time, we will also vote on a start student for next month.


Jennifer said...

I know how to spell shopping now!!! from,Courtney

Unknown said...

Good girl, Courtney...I was a bit concerned...that is SUCH an important word!!!

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